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Braun MultiQuick System

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MultiGrill 9 Pro

Le meilleur des performances Braun, pour une cuisson parfaite et un résultat professionnel.






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Transformez les fruits en jus frais vitaminés.






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Soin du linge

Un ménage de printemps réussi

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Chez Braun, nous pensons qu'un bon design est conçu pour durer et améliorer le quotidien. Nos idées et nos petites actions simples introduiront des changements durables dans votre vie quotidienne, la rendant plus respectueuse de l'environnement.

L’arrivée du printemps est une bonne occasion pour faire du tri et du ménage dans votre maison et vos placards. La météo ensoleillée et les jours plus longs, nous donnent envie de ranger nos manteaux et de sortir nos tenues légères. C’est le moment idéal pour faire un ménage de printemps. Généralement ce moment arrive fin mars / début avril ; dès l’arrivée des températures plus chaudes et l’arrêt des chauffages. Nous vous conseillons de prévoir une demi-journée durant un week-end par exemple. Si vous souhaitez faire le nettoyage de printemps pour toute la famille, nous vous conseillons de prévoir une journée complète pour donner un coup d'éclat à votre intérieur.

Become a meal prepper in 8 easy steps.

Stuffed peppers, pepper salad and a stir-fry – the more the ingredients on your weekly meal plan overlap, the better. You can enjoy more variety on your plate as a result. We’ve put together 8 simple steps to help you become a meal prepper.

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Make space

Create the storage space you need.

Space is an important factor when it comes to meal prepping. If you’re sharing a small fridge and a tiny freezer compartment with your flatmate and only have a tiny food shelf, you might face some difficulties. Cooking ahead for the entire week? Out of the question! Consider how and where you can store your prepped meals before you make them. For example, a cellar could be a good solution.


Make sure you have the basic meal prep equipment.

Good preparation includes having a good stock of food in tins, resealable containers or glass jars. We recommend keeping a stock of rice, pasta, millet, porridge oats, cous cous, bulgur, onions, garlic, nuts, quality oils, a range of spices, mustard and soy sauce.
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Organise your week and find recipes.

Something else worth mentioning when it comes to preparation: consider what you want to eat that week before you storm the supermarket. Flick through your cookbooks or browse the internet; check out the Braun recipe library to find some inspiration. Ideally, you should plan your week so that you can make full use of any leftovers. For example, you might plan two rice-based dishes so you only have to cook rice once. Checking your calendar might help, too. Have you agreed to go out for dinner at all this week?


Choosing food more carefully.

Another upside to meal prep is, that if you take the time to focus on planning, shopping and meal prepping, you’ll automatically give your food the attention it deserves. Instead of just picking up the first thing you see, you can focus more on carefully selecting food that’s fresh, organic and local. This way, you’ll only buy what you really need and end up reducing or even eliminating food waste. Plus, shopping like this is far more pleasant than rushing through the aisles at the end of the day.
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Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.
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Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.
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